Monday, October 6, 2008

What sickness can do to a person!

Friday night, as J and I returned home from a night out with friends, it hit me, A STOMACH VIRUS!! Oh no, I thought as it started, was it my dinner from The Varsity? was it shopping in WalMart yesterday? where did I get this? The virus continued violently through the night and even into the next evening, a true 24 hour bug. Oh, the pity I felt for myself. Oh the sadness that I had to miss the annual fair with my family. Oh the frustration at all the things I had to do this weekend and didn't get to. Even yesterday I had to miss out on a planned outing with girlfriends. AND still by Sunday evening did not feel like getting out of my bed much.

As I lay there motionless all day Saturday, I could think of nothing else, but what is wrong with me? Am I going to get dehydrated? Should I call a doctor? Well. . . I did thanks to Dr. P-joni's hubby, he resuced me with advice and the reassurance I was not indeed dying. Why is it we do that? I realized that there are so many suffering in the world daily, a pitiful 24 hours certainly did not kill me, but I wallowed in my sorrow and self-pity over this simple illness. Do I not realize all of those that hurt in pain each day. God has definitely blessed me with great health, but instead I looked inward to my own grief.

I wonder so many times why in James it speaks of considering it a joy when we suffer? What? A Joy? BUT as I am now again in the land of the living and maturing daily in my walk with Christ, I realize it is throught the bad times, sickness, and suffering that Christ teaches me more about being thankful and giving him joy and praise!! Isn't that amazing what a simple virus can do to a person? On the other hand I am so grateful he healed me, I did not get too dehydrated, and someone was there to remind me I would recover.

And a big applause for my husband that totally pulled the weight this weekend while I was down for the count. Plus, he won me a giant stuffed Fiona (the princess from Shrek) at the fair. He said the kids picked it out because I was feeling a little green. I awoke Saturday to her laying beside me and I about screamed! Thanks sweet family for pulling your weight.


Warner Family said...

Hey! I've got to add you to my list of reads! I'm SOOO sorry you got sick...I fear the stomach bug more than ANYTHING in my life! I will pray that it started and ended with you! Take care! :-)

Joni said...

John was happy to help.

So glad you are feeling better! Want to get together tomorrow for a patty melt? : )

marriedsinglemom said...

So glad you are better. This has to be a HUGE fear of mine, to be that sick and Jason out of town! Thank you God for placing us next door to the Holcombes! Bobby has saved us on several ocasions.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better!

24hr bugs are not fun! Make sure you and your family gets their flu shots this season!!!

erica :-)

tell everyone hello and im looking forward to seeing everyone at holidays!

Kerin said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. If you are like me, you might be "glad" that you missed the fair. If you love the fair, I'm sorry. I just hate going each year. I have to stand at a "safe" distance from the girls and not be "seen" by their friends. But, also be close by with my wallet in hand. I'm not comfortable letting them go solo yet. I love your family picture!

Emmy said...

So glad you are better! The giant Fiona story made my day! I love it! : )