Thursday, May 28, 2009

Do you think I am Nesting?

Here's a list of what I did today:
Got up-no shower, yet
Met our tutor at WalMart at 8 AM to spend funding that would expire-
bought $550 worth of school supplies for next year
Met J at CFA for bfast with the kids as our carpets were being cleaned
Returned home-entertained kids on tile or hardwood floors only while carpets dried
Filled out dental forms for past and upcoming visits-that's for you Gretchen
Filled out insurance forms-hopped in car to mail at post office-checked mail-loaded boxes of final "baby items" I had ordered online
Unpacked boxes
Instructed A on lunch
Took my shower finally
Sweated to death while drying my hair and I realized my cooling unit on my hallway was failing me
Sent Little T off with J to orthodontist
Left kids with sitter while I took S and ME to dentist
Organized a major grocery trip list while waiting
Scheduled 6 month appointments for 10 kids while waiting
Had bleaching trays made for myself while there
Came home-took a 20 minute power nap
(carpets still drying)
Finally called the crew to come check on my air conditioner unit
Loaded half of the kids and drove them to Nana's while I went to a Dr's visit
(J took the other half for haircuts)
RAN in TJ Max for a few last baby gowns-scored 3!
Met J at a local deli with 9 kids for a quick bite
Took S to dance
Drove 3 home, bathed J
Waited for J to return with 2 kids
Loaded 2 for a trip to Walmart -AGAIN!- Allowed each girl to take turns driving-must get in driving lessons when possible.
Bought $495 worth of groceries-TWO huge carts full-used the girls to help push and load
Came home, starting washing last baby gowns in DREFT (I love the stuff)
Decided to go to bed!
Realized the kitchen sink was stained, decided to scrub with bleach
Decided to go to bed again, but I had not posted today!
I think I am nesting, What do you think?


Gretchen said...

Whew! What a list! You are such a great mom. So happy I made the blog. :)

Jennifer said...

Makes me SOOO tired reading this and I am not 9 months pregnant!!

Come on, AC. Get here so your Mama will be able to rest. :-) ha ha