School season is upon us and summer is quickly fading. (Thank. You. Lord.) Summer for us is like having a mini youth group home every day, they need 3 square meals, an activity planned for sanity's sake, plus keeping all the areas clean. It's been a long summer, but fun, exciting, busy, and restful at times. Hopefully I can play catch up and post about some of our fun summer days. But for now, I must relish in Back to School days.
The kids went back last week and I have slowly begun to emerge for a quick breath of fresh air. I love, love my kids. They are funny, intelligent, insightful, entertaining, and just plain darling. BUT. They keep me busy, worn out, ready to collapse at night, and longing for breaks! Back to School brings routine, structure, and down time for us during the day. Big T is headed off to college this Friday and once that happens, it will be official: Everyone is Back to School!! (except little AC of course, she will have to be our sidekick)
I took a few pictures last week to save for posterity :)
The entire Lion crew headed back on the first day. Boy were they as eager as I was. . it was the 2nd morning that threw us all for a loop. Rise and Shine was not as pretty that morning.!