Oh the joys that our birthdays bring us!! S turned 9 today, I screamed on the way to church when it hit me, "she is halfway to 18". Yikes!! That ones hit me in the gut. Hard. BUT what a precious joy she is to me and has been for 9 sweet years. S is my angel, rule following, perfectionist, over-achiever, dancing ballerina, and my gift from God. Her name actually means princess. . . as she will remind me of often. And oh how she is. She is actually our first child even though she is right in the middle of 11 kids, she was born to us first.
Tonight over dinner with the family, we all told stories of the day she was born, and memories of her being so tiny. Now she is celebrating the fact that she got an ipod shuffle for her birthday as well as a Nintendo DS. What is all that stuff and what happened to my little angel? ( I am just kidding, I know what all of that is, as my checkbook just took a dent from birthday gifts!) But in all reality, I can't believe she is growing so fast. My dad even said at dinner, "the next 9 years will go even faster, so hold on."
Here are a few moments from the last few months:
Lord, may I treasure each day with her as a gift from you and never take them for granted. Thank you for such a blessing in my life!