Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Busy Days

I have been so busy for the past 5 days that I didn't even miss my Visa, as it was between my two front seats. (for those of you that know me in real life, you know I use my Visa a lot) This is because we have so many to shop for. . okay that's not what I am posting about today, but to tell you I didn't even notice it was gone.
Saturday we hosted a group of 20 people for lunch. This of course included an entire cleaning of the house prior to their arrival. We cleaned all Friday evening. (I felt so sorry for my high schoolers/middle schoolers that had been on a school band trip for two days) Nonetheless, we cleaned and cleaned. The group that came are operators, or managers, that will be taking over new or existing CFA stores around the country. They come to the campus where we live and complete together the ropes' course, then eat a meal with one of the three homes here to learn more about "what we do". The kids always give a thorough tour of our home, which is why we cleaned so darn hard the night before. It was a fabulous time and the operators even rode scooters with the kids and played on our swing set. The kids did not want them to leave. Of course, if they sell more chicken, it is better for our organization, so we encouraged them to "sell more chicken."

On Monday, I hosted a Silpada party for my friend that sells it here in town. Check out their website and find it near you. I love their jewelry. My reasoning was, well the house will be clean, so I will just go ahead and pack in two events within two days. I know, I know, my logic does not make much sense, but in went great. I am going to have fun, fun picking out lots of jewelry for myself. So thanks to my peeps, mom, and Mimi that came out and bought jewelry. (For those of you that still want some, my party won't close until Thursday) Anyway, as you can see, I have been busy, not to mention the usual for the week, school, dance, dentist appointments, and church thrown in on Sunday. I miss my blogging time when I get behind in the real life, but it is really more of a priority.