Behold the chaos it took to pack 7 little shoeboxes!!! I absolutely love this project we do with our children every year. Please visit to find out more info on how you can do this project with your children as well. Basically each shoebox that you pack yourself is sent somewhere in the world to a needy child that will not receive Christmas this year. Just think about the magnitude of that concept. A gift packed by my children will actually be received somewhere else in the world to a child that will not have any Christmas!! I cannot imagine for one minute Christmas in my entire life that I or my children have gone without. What a lesson involved when we teach our families to think of others before we even start Christmas in our home.
The kids took great pride in packing each box just so carefully for each child. My husband and I help our church coordinate the local collection center for all churches in our area. We then pack the boxes in larger boxes and have them taken to a town nearby, where they are then collected and taken to a larger town and so on and so on. We love, love, love this project and please if your church does not coordinate this event with another church in your area, you can still participate. Simply go to the website mentioned above, plug in your area code and find a drop off site near you. This week is the nation wide collection week. NOW GO PACK THOSE SHOEBOXES!!!!!
We came and helped y'all last year at the church with our three kids. Are you organizing the effort again this year? Is the loading of the big truck this coming Saturday?
Can we come help again? Email me if you can, please! Thanks so much!
Our five boxes are ready, too. : )
Great job with OCC, Wendy! I enjoyed seeing you so much this week. It IS an amazing ministry that is such a blessing for everyone involved. Thank you for your hard wouldn't get done without you (and your 11 helpers!).
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