Monday, February 4, 2008

Please pray

I wanted to ask any of you that read my blog to please pray for my sweet friends Jack and Leslie. Last night, their new home they had just built and were moving into in two weeks burned TO THE GROUND. The cause is undetermined at this time, but at this point, the cause doesn't matter. The fact is it is gone and they are heartbroken. Their sweet 11 year old girl had just packed her room and special things and had already moved it into her new room. Leslie had also already taken many picture albums and home videos and a few pieces of furniture. Of course, she said none of that matters, but it still hurts. Pray for their family as they decide how to move forward. We are praising God they had not moved in yet, the fire was so intense, the outcome could have been even more devastating. Life changes in an instant doesn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Wendy!

I read this story this morning but it didn't click with me that it was Luke's dad! I taught Luke last year in the 2's class. We will be praying. Please keep me updated!

On another note...I just found your blog yesterday, and love it! Mine is Please tell ME we say hey!

Amy Sullins